What Reptile Can I Put In A 30 Gallon Tank
So, you have a pet reptile, but you don’t know where to put it? Why not consider a 30-gallon reptile tank? We assure you that they will have a blast of their lives. However, 30 gallon is relatively small, with a dimension of 36 x 18 x 12. Hence there aren’t many reptiles that are suitable for such tasks. You would need to choose specifically reptiles that do not overgrow in size when they reach maturity. Therefore, here you are, wondering the same as us as what snakes can you put in a 30 gallon reptile tank. I mean, why would you be here or else if you didn’t.
Cheap Reptile Terrariums
Assuming that you don’t have a 30 gallon reptile tank in the meantime but are still planning to get one, you can try looking for some online. The cheapest tank you would be able to find would cost around $29.99 while hitting $299 at max, depending on quality. Of course, there is also an option to make your reptile terrarium yourself; however, to get the actual dimensions of 30 gallons which you need, maybe a bit of an obstacle. Hence we do strongly suggest that you get one online if you are not a professional.
Aquariums And Reptiles
Depending on the size of your terrarium, do you then decide the pet, sometimes the other way around, but surely you would be clueless about what reptiles to get. Well, here are some of which you may get interested in.
Box turtle
One of the most common reptile pets to have in your home would be the box turtle. A box turtle needs not as much attention as any other reptile. This is due to its passing their time slower compared to the rest. However, this does not mean that you should neglect it. Like any other living thing, their health can still be affected by their living conditions. Hence, a dirty 30 gallon reptile tank will surely deteriorate its health.
Interesting facts about box turtles is that they love to dip themselves in warm water. Hence you should provide a small pond in the tank. This is to differentiate their drinking water and bathing water. If such is not done, the box turtles will drink the pond water instead and may cause health problems.
The chameleon is also another good candidate for your 30 gallon reptile tank. With your tank, you would be able to install better decorations and more plants in it. This is crucial for these tiny chameleons as they tend to camouflage themselves when met upon any danger. These plants and decorations assist it in doing so. Some things you can consider too are rocks and branches. These are to provide a solid platform for your chameleon to rest on.
If you plan to get a Chameleon, you should also be aware of their living conditions, such as lighting and temperature. Overall, chameleons are unable to live in temperatures lower than 60 degrees Fahrenheit. If such were to happen, these creatures would enter hibernation and health problems may occur. Although hibernation is a natural phenomenon for it, the sudden change may still harm it if it is not ready. On the other hand, they also require a 12 hours cycle of daylight and night light. This would require you to get a heater and an artificial UVA light to solve this problem.
Dart Frog
One of the most beautiful yet dangerous reptiles there are. Don’t be fooled by its adorableness, as their poison can kill anything twice to triple its size. Of course, not all dart frogs pose a threat, as there are only a handful of them. We wouldn’t be suggesting this in the first place if you could easily harm yourself. Of course, do try to prevent it from biting you as there is till venom.
Note: They still do inject venom, just not as strong as the Golden Poison Dart Frog
Due to its small size, a 30 gallon reptile tank would be ideal for it. A 30 gallon reptile tank would be assumed to be water-resistant, which means water can be contained in it. With this, you can install a miniature pond just like the ones for your box turtle. Frogs naturally live on both water and land; hence it is not surprising.
Geckos are within the family of lizards; hence they would need the same temperature as the chameleons do. To be frank, your 30 gallon reptile tank would be seemingly large for your gecko. A single gecko would only need a 10-gallon tank. However, with a 30 gallon reptile tank, you can consider getting more as it is suggested that for every gecko you add in, increase the dimensions by 5 gallons.
An interesting fact about geckos is that they love to play, hide and seek. Hence do install some Large rocks which hack cracks in them. This will allow the geckos to have a place to shelter themselves. Geckos are not much of a fan of moist, hence do try to ensure then your tank is constantly dry. If you need moisture, you can consider getting some moss or small ferns.
Bioactive Terrarium Kit
With all the reptiles in place, there is just one more thing missing that would be planted. You don’t have to get plants from your garden or purchase them from your nearest florist. Why not try considering getting a bioactive terrarium kit. This kit will be able to ensure that there is a suitable amount of greeneries in your 30 gallon reptile tank. There are many bioactive kits that you can get online, but we do suggest that you get one that is suitable for your reptile, which you choose. After all, not all reptiles need the same amount of biomass.
Hopefully, though this, you now know what reptile to put in your 30 gallon reptile tank. Have any of our suggestions inspire you? Let us know what you think in the comments below.