Terrariums or planted aquariums allow you to bring the outdoor gardens indoors. They are an excellent solution if you want a green relief out of a concrete jungle. These mini plant ecosystems are taking over the gardening life by storm, and it is not surprising why. They are low maintenance; they can challenge your creativity and make a lovely addition to your office or kitchen. If you are thinking of building your terrarium, here are the top terrarium plants for sale.
1. Black Jewel Orchid
The Black Jewel Orchid is a top-selling terrarium plant because it is simple and easy to care for. Its foliage is more adored than its flowers. You’ll love the contrast of colors that make it very eye-catching. It has white blooms and dark leaves with white pinstripe markings that add to the contrasting colors. Buying a mature, healthy plant will let you produce multiple growths. Avoid facing it in direct sunlight and wait until the top inch is dry before watering.
2. Begonia Foliosa
Begonia foliosa belongs to the Begonia species of a flowering plant. It is a miniature, shrub-like variety that has red stems and toothed leaves. It makes excellent terrarium plants because it thrives in high humidity and is easy to grow. It looks like a small bonsai tree with dense foliage and arching branches. Begonia foliosa likes bright, indirect light. It needs consistent moisture to thrive and will die if it dries out, but does not like wet leaves.
3. Selaginella
Selaginella is often mistaken for moss, but it is a small tropical plant that sometimes trails or creeps. It is often grown in terrariums where it thrives in constant moisture. Many reasons will make you love Selaginella for your terrarium, but the most popular one is that you can find it in various types, with a range of green shades and fern-like appearance. The perennial plant likes high humidity, bright, indirect light, and moist soil.
4. Bulbophyllum Electrinum
Bulbophyllum Electrinum is a type of orchid that originated from Yunnan, China. It blooms from summer to fall, with one plant having only a few flowers. It is easy to grow and is suitable under partial shade and warm temperatures. Flowers are red to dark red with spots. The plant needs a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer per month and once or twice a week watering. Keep it moist between watering.
5. Windswept Mood Moss
There are over a thousand types of moss that you can find but the best ones for a terrarium include Mood Moss, which belongs to the clumpy mosses, or Acrocarpous that grows in clumps. This type of moss has various shapes and textures, making them ideal for creating a dynamic landscape. The Mood Moss has dense clumps but the leaves are lush and wavy, making them look like windswept grasslands. The vibrant, fluffy look is credited to suitable water and moisture. It likes a humid environment, bright and indirect sunlight, and will thrive best without direct watering.
6. Alocasia Maharani
Alocasia Maharani, popularly known as “Grey Dragon”, is a dwarf type of Jewel Orchid with unique foliage and flowering. Its small flowers are off-white and grow on a single stem. It likes a lot of bright, indirect sunlight and does not do well with extra moisture. The heat-loving plant prefers a well-draining medium and good airflow to prevent water from sitting on its leaves. 2 to 3 inches of water each week is enough during summer and spring, but make sure not to add too much to prevent its roots from rotting. It is ideal for terrariums since it likes around 80-degree humidity.
7. Fern
Ferns are every terrarium enthusiast’s best friend. They suit terrariums because they like humid, warm environments. Ferns come in a huge variety of shapes and textures, and terrariums seem incomplete without at least a fern. They can be flat to fluffy, or broad to round. Thus, you will find a type of fern that will suit your terrarium. The best ones for terrariums are tropical ferns and dwarf varieties such as Lemon Butter Fern, Micro Ferns, Button Fern, or Rabbit’s Foot Fern.
8. Succulents
Succulents are popular terrarium plants for they look modern and are easy to maintain. You should use the right medium to avoid building up condensation that could kill succulents. These plants like arid conditions, so aside from the right planting medium; they should be placed in a brightly lit spot with good air circulation. The best succulents for terrariums include Baby Jade, Elephant Bush, Pincushion Cactus, and Hens and Chick.
9. Jade Plant
The Jade Plant is popularly known as the money plant as it is believed to bring good fortune. It is commonly grown indoors and is similar to a bonsai tree with thin branches and a trunk. Its leaves are thick and oval with a shiny dark green color. Once mature, they can grow pink or white flowers in the right conditions. The plant flourishes with plenty of light, so you can give it a few hours of sunshine. It is best to let the soil dry between each watering. Make sure you have good draining soil for succulents or cacti.
10. Nerve Plants (Fittonia)
Nerve plants are colorful tropical plants that are commonly grown as potted houseplants. Fittonia has artfully veined, deep-green leaves. The vein color is usually silvery-white, but there are varieties in pink, white, red, and green. It is perfect for terrariums but it could be tricky to grow as a houseplant. It needs high humidity and is sensitive to direct sunlight as it is prone to leaf burn. The soil should be moist but properly draining.
Final Thoughts
The basic rule of thumb is that terrarium plants should be small and slow-growing. There are numerous options for terrarium plants, making it confusing which one to choose. This also depends on whether it is an open or closed terrarium. For open terrariums, you need plants that thrive in dry conditions such as succulents, cacti, and air plants. On the other hand, closed terrariums suit heat or moisture-loving plants like mosses, ferns, and orchids. Combine plants that have similar moisture and light needs.